The PAYDEX® index is one of the most valued indicators for international businesses. Based on the information from the Dun-Trade program, Dun & Bradstreet elaborates an indicator that determines, with a high degree of accuracy, how many days does a company delay its payments. PAYDEX® is a numerical indicator running from 0 to 100. The higher the score, the better the payment behaviour is.

Along with the index, Dun & Bradstreet’s international Business Information Reports show the information upon it is based on, showing the delay for different amount bands.


The PAYDEX® index is one of the most valued indicators for international businesses. Based on the information from the Dun-Trade program, Dun & Bradstreet elaborates an indicator that determines, with a high degree of accuracy, how many days does a company delay its payments. PAYDEX® is a numerical indicator running from 0 to 100. The highest the score, the better the payment behaviour is.

Along with the index, Dun & Bradstreet’s international Business Information Reports show the information upon it is based on, showing the delay for different amount bands.

What is the differential value of the PAYDEX® Index?

  • The PAYDEX® index is a powerful tool to predict your needs of cash-flow
  • Used in combination with other Dun & Bradstreet’s scores and ratings
  • It will help you protect your business not only against risk exposure but also against late payments

What is the differential value of the PAYDEX® Index?

  • The PAYDEX® index is a powerful tool to predict your needs of cash-flow.
  • Used in combination with other Dun & Bradstreet’s scores and ratings.
  • It will help you protect your business not only against risk exposure, but also against late payments.