Supplier Portfolio Manager helps you see the full picture & prevent the disruption of your Supply Chain

Benefit from the most comprehensive Global Database, state-of-the-art analytics, and the best quality data in the market. Supplier Portfolio Manager is an online analysis tool that merges your vendor data with D&B’s databases to provide a unique insight into your supplier portfolios from buyers or business unit spend to how your suppliers are linked and what their main business activities are.


Supplier Portfolio Manager helps you see the full picture & prevent the disruption of your Supply Chain

Benefit from the most comprehensive Global Database, state-of-the-art analytics, and the best quality data in the market. Supplier Portfolio Manager is an online analysis tool which merges your vendor data with D&B’s databases to provide a unique insight into your supplier portfolios from buyers or business unit spend to how your suppliers are linked and what their main business activities are.

Supplier Portfolio Alerts

D&B data is refreshed monthly or daily according to your preferences and you can update your data with supplier data at any time. Through Supplier Portfolio Manager Alerts you can be told of significant changes within your portfolio to avoid supply chain disruption risk. You can manage what alerts are generated by determining your own customized triggers and then review all suppliers with a change through View Alerts or request notification via email. For example: identify those suppliers that have moved between your defined risk bands or whose D&B score has changed by more than 10.

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Analyzing your Supplier Portfolio

Supplier Portfolio Manager gives you four types of analysis together with the ability to ‘drill down’ to individual suppliers and click through to access D&B business information reports online.

Supplier Analysis

Provides a breakdown of the overall risk structure and the common characteristics of your supplier portfolio. Your suppliers and spend are aggregated using criteria such as: business size, business age, legal form, geographical location and, predictive risk score.

Supplier Linkages

Analyze your aggregated spend amounts by global ultimate holding company and primary activity sector. By leveraging the power of D&B family trees of corporate linkages you will not only be able to understand your total spend with a group and negotiate cost savings but also identify potential cross-source opportunities within the same supply family.

Portfolio Dashboard

This gives a summarized view of your supplier portfolio by the risk of a future failure. It enables a review of the distribution of spend amount by D&B Failure score, Risk category and supplier type; aggregated and split by D&B failure risk band and suppliers by spend that are also customers.

Archive & Settings History

Keeps a history of all changes that may impact a business decision, including a history of all reports ordered, alerts raised, notes added, user setting changes and system setting changes for up to 24 months. This allows you to fully understand all the criteria for a business decision at any point in time.

A Full Picture of Your Supply Chain Risk

Supplier Portfolio Manager is an extremely versatile product that can be used for a surprising number of applications. Here are just a few examples of the power of how Supplier Portfolio Manager can be used:

  • Manage multiple buyers or business units – View individual supplier or aggregated ledger risk
  • Cross-border supplier management – Analyze cross-country portfolios in a consistent format
  • Mergers and acquisitions – Manage the merger/demerger of a supplier and its effect on your portfolio
  • Supplier spend strategy planning – Customize your policy by the line of business age legal form or location
  • Business reporting – Provides powerful reporting to senior managers which combines your supplier information with external risk indicators
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